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Murder at the Porte de Versailles

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Title:      Murder at the Porte de Versailles
Categories:      An Aimee Leduc Investigation
BookID:      1892
Authors:      Cara Black
ISBN-10(13):      9781641290432
Publisher:      Soho Press
Publication date:      03-15-2022
Number of pages:      360
Owner Name:      Endeavor
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Language:      English
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover
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November 2001: in the wake of 9/11, Paris is living in a state of fear. For Aimée Leduc, November is bittersweet: the anniversary of her father’s death and her daughter’s third birthday fall on the same day. A gathering for family and friends is disrupted when a bomb goes off at the police laboratory—and Boris Viard, the partner of Aimée’s friend Michou, is found unconscious at the scene of the crime with traces of explosives under his fingernails.

Aimée doesn’t believe Boris set the bomb. In an effort to prove this, she battles the police and his own lab colleagues, collecting conflicting eyewitness reports. When a member of the French secret service drafts Aimée to help investigate possible links to an Iranian Revolutionary guard and fugitive radicals who bombed Interpol in the 1980s, Aimée uncovers ties to a cold case of her father’s.

As Aimée scours the streets of the 15th arrondissement trying to learn the truth, she has to ask herself if she should succumb to pressure from Chloe’s biological father and move them out to his farm in Brittany. But could Aimée Leduc ever leave Paris?

Book owner:      endeavor


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