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Black Knight in Red Square

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Title:      Black Knight in Red Square
Categories:      Rostnikov Series
BookID:      366
Authors:      Stuart M. Kaminsky
ISBN-10(13):      9780804104050
Publisher:      Fawcett
Publication date:      1989-04-30
Number of pages:      0
Owner Name:      Endeavor
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Language:      English
Price:      41.89 USD
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover           Button Buy now Buy now
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Product Description
A Pulitzer-winning American journalist is poisoned to death at the Moscow Film Festival, along with two Soviet businessmen and a Japanese visitor. All the same night. All the same hotel.
An international organization of terrorists has launched its most murderous offensive against both East and West. Foreigners continue dying at an alarming rate, in a huge embarrassment the Kremlin can ill afford.
Chief Inspector Rostnikov leads the hunt for a dark-eyed woman of mystery and one very powerful bomb. The trail will take him, along with Karpo and Tkach, to the Soviet Union's most hallowed monument and the terrorist's ultimate target . . . .

Book owner:      endeavor


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