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R.D. Wingfield

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R.D. Wingfield
R.D. Wingfield

R.D. Wingfield - has the following books at our site 

A Touch of Frost
Night Frost
Hard Frost
Frost at Christmas (Crime Lines)
A Killing Frost
Winter Frost

"I was only going to write one Frost book. He was going to die with a bullet in his head. But they said don't do it. So I wrote that he was on the operating table, and rather than finish the sentence, I just put three dots. You know the sort of thing…""I was only going to write one Frost book. He was going to die with a bullet in his head. But they said don't do it. So I wrote that he was on the operating table, and rather than finish the sentence, I just put three dots. You know the sort of thing…""I have nothing against David Jason as Frost at all, he just isn't my Frost."

More About R.D. Wingfield

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