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Shark River

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Title:      Shark River
Categories:      Doc Ford
BookID:      737
Authors:      Randy Wayne White
ISBN-10(13):      9780399147296
Publisher:      Putnam Adult
Publication date:      05-17-2001
Number of pages:      320
Owner Name:      Endeavor
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Language:      English
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover
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On a working vacation to Guava Key, marine biologist Doc Ford notices two female joggers who follow the same route at the same time every day. He can't help thinking how easy it would be for a predator to become aware of them, too. As it turns out, he isn't the only one. There seem to be more and more predators these days.

Forced to step in, Ford finds himself involved in a story of intrigue and revenge that becomes more dangerous with every turn-and some of them hit pretty close to home. Add to that a Bahamian relative he never knew he had, a letter leading to a treasure that may or may not exist, and some past history that becomes very alarmingly present, and his life has suddenly become very complicated. Not to mention the prospect of his death. . . .

Book owner:      endeavor


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