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Death and the Dutch Uncle

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Title:      Death and the Dutch Uncle
Categories:      Inspector Henry Tibbett
BookID:      414
Authors:      Patricia Moyes
ISBN-10(13):      9780805005066
Publisher:      Henry Holt & Company
Publication date:      04-01-1983
Number of pages:      245
Owner Name:      Endeavor
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Language:      English
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover
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As “Pudge” Coombe-Peters proved, Moyes had a gift for the kind of dreadful nicknames the British are so good at. This time around it’s “Flutter” Byers, a small-time hood who gets himself killed in a seedy Soho pub (was there, ever, any other kind?). Byers consorted with criminals and owed money all over town; his death should have been little more than a footnote in the history of London gangs. But for some reason, Inspector Tibbett of Scotland Yard believes it’s connected to PIFL, a backwater do-good outfit, currently trying to referee a murderous squabble between two small African nations. And these dark suspicions begin to look more likely when Henry gets word of another assassin’s bullet—headed, this time, for one of PIFL’s earnest, tweedy justice warriors.

Book owner:      endeavor


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