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Jonathan Argyll Series

Jonathan Argyll Series

Also known as "Art History Mysteries", this series describes the adventures of art historian Jonathan Argyll and two members of the (fictitious) Art Squad of the Italian police: Flavia di Stefano (deputy) and General Bottando (head of the squad).Also known as "Art History Mysteries", this series describes the adventures of art historian Jonathan Argyll and two members of the (fictitious) Art Squad of the Italian police: Flavia di Stefano (deputy) and General Bottando (head of the squad).


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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: The Last Judgement Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1292 Status: Available
cover Title: The Immaculate Deception Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1313 Status: Available
cover Title: Death and Restoration: A Jonathan Argyll Mystery Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1346 Status: Available
cover Title: The Bernini Bust Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1374 Status: Available
cover Title: The Raphael Affair Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1379 Status: Available
cover Title: The Titian Committee Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1389 Status: Available
cover Title: Giotto's Hand Authors: Iain Pears Rating: 0 Hits: 1508 Status: Available

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