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Inspector Tony McLean

Inspector Tony McLean

Detective Inspector Tony McLean is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction/mystery novels by Scottish novelist James Oswald. McLean works in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, and he is the unlucky policeman who can see beneath the surface of ordinary criminal life to the dark, menacing evil that lurks beneath.Detective Inspector Tony McLean is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction/mystery novels by Scottish novelist James Oswald. McLean works in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, and he is the unlucky policeman who can see beneath the surface of ordinary criminal life to the dark, menacing evil that lurks beneath.


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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: The Hangman's Song Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1095 Status: Available
cover Title: The Book of Souls Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1178 Status: Available
cover Title: Prayer for the Dead Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1208 Status: Available
cover Title: Written in Bones Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1315 Status: Available
cover Title: Dead Men's Bones Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1319 Status: Available
cover Title: Natural Causes Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1368 Status: Available
cover Title: The Damage Done Authors: James Oswald Rating: 0 Hits: 1410 Status: Available

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