Father John O'Malley/Vickie Holden

The Wind River Mysyery series—20 books published from 1995 to 2016—is set in Wyoming's Wind River Reservation and adjacent towns. The story lines are based on actual crimes and injustices. Vicky Holden, an Arapaho lawyer, and Father John O'Malley, a Jesuit priest, collaborate to solve these crimes and rectify these injustices.

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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: The Lost Bird Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 724 Status: Available
cover Title: The Shadow Dancer Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 768 Status: Available
cover Title: The Spirit Woman Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 771 Status: Available
cover Title: The Story Teller Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 783 Status: Available
cover Title: The Eagle Catcher Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 804 Status: Available
cover Title: The Ghost Walker Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 831 Status: Available
cover Title: The Dream Stalker Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 860 Status: Available
cover Title: Killing Raven Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 899 Status: Available
cover Title: Wife of Moon Authors: Margaret Coel Rating: 0 Hits: 908 Status: Available

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