Cliff Janeway Series

Cliff Janeway Series

Cliff Janeway, an ex-cop, and rare book expert, in Denver, Colorado.


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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: The Sign of the Book: A Cliff Janeway Authors: John Dunning Rating: 0 Hits: 1105 Status: Available
cover Title: Bookman's Wake Authors: John Dunning Rating: 0 Hits: 1129 Status: Available
cover Title: Booked to Die Authors: John Dunning Rating: 0 Hits: 1139 Status: Available
cover Title: The Bookman's Promise: A Cliff Janeway Novel Authors: John Dunning Rating: 0 Hits: 1222 Status: Available
cover Title: The Bookwoman's Last Fling: A Cliff Janeway Novel Authors: John Dunning Rating: 0 Hits: 1274 Status: Available

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