Leaphorn, Chee, & Manuelito

Leaphorn, Chee, & Manuelito

A continuation of the Tony Hillerman series featuring Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee by daughter, Anne Hillerman. Greater focus is given to Chee and his wife, Officer Bernadette Manualito.


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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: Stargazer Authors: Anne Hillerman Rating: 0 Hits: 939 Status: Available
cover Title: The Tale Teller Authors: Anne Hillerman Rating: 0 Hits: 940 Status: Available
cover Title: Song of the Lion Authors: Anne Hillerman Rating: 0 Hits: 1200 Status: Available
cover Title: Rock With Wings Authors: Anne Hillerman Rating: 0 Hits: 1205 Status: Available
cover Title: Cave of Bones Authors: Anne Hillerman Rating: 0 Hits: 1345 Status: Available

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