Speaker of Mandarin (A New Inspector Wexford Mystery)

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Title:      Speaker of Mandarin (A New Inspector Wexford Mystery)
Categories:      Wexford Series
BookID:      119
Authors:      Ruth Rendell
ISBN-10(13):      9780345302748
Publisher:      Ballantine Books
Publication date:      1984
Edition:      1st Ballantine Bks Edition, Sept 1984
Number of pages:      0
Owner Name:      Endeavor
Owner Email:      rnoggle1@gmail.com
Language:      English
Price:      0.10 USD
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover           Button Buy now Buy now
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 Chief Inspector Wexford is in China, visiting ancient tombs and palaces with a group of British tourists. After their return to England, one of his fellow tourists is found murdered. As he questions other members of the group, Wexford finds secrets of greed, treachery, theft, and adultery, leading the distressed inspector to ask not who is innocent, but who is least guilty . . .








Book owner:      endeavor


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