Alan Grant

Inspector Alan Grant

Detective Inspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard is the protagonist of six mystery novels by Josephine Tey. The most famous novel of the series, The Daughter of Time, was named the greatest mystery novel of all time by the Crime Writers’ Association in 1990.Detective Inspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard is the protagonist of six mystery novels by Josephine Tey. The most famous novel of the series, The Daughter of Time, was named the greatest mystery novel of all time by the Crime Writers’ Association in 1990.


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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
cover Title: To Love and Be Wise Authors: Josephine Tey Rating: 0 Hits: 1075 Status: Available
cover Title: Shilling for Candles Authors: Josephine Tey Rating: 0 Hits: 1079 Status: Available
cover Title: The Daughter of Time Authors: Josephine Tey Rating: 0 Hits: 1095 Status: Available
cover Title: The Man in the Queue Authors: Josephine Tey Rating: 0 Hits: 1130 Status: Available
cover Title: The Singing Sands Authors: Josephine Tey Rating: 0 Hits: 1257 Status: Available
cover Title: The Franchise Affair Authors: Josephine Tey Rating: 0 Hits: 1288 Status: Available

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