The Raphael Affair
Title: | The Raphael Affair |
Categories: | Jonathan Argyll Series |
BookID: | 1111 |
Authors: | Iain Pears |
ISBN-10(13): | 9780425166130 |
Publisher: | Berkley |
Publication date: | November 1, 1998 |
Number of pages: | 226 |
Owner Name: | Endeavor |
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Language: | English |
Price: | 0.00 |
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Description: |
When a long-lost Raphael resurfaces, the painting triggers a chain of events that range from vandalism to murder, prompting an investigation by English art scholar Jonathan Argyll, who ends up on the run for his life.When a long-lost Raphael resurfaces, the painting triggers a chain of events that range from vandalism to murder, prompting an investigation by English art scholar Jonathan Argyll, who ends up on the run for his life. |
Book owner: | endeavor |