Sovereign: A Matthew Shardlake Mystery
Title: | Sovereign: A Matthew Shardlake Mystery |
Categories: | Matthew Shardlake Mysteries |
BookID: | 1052 |
Authors: | C. J. Sansom |
ISBN-10(13): | 9780143113171 |
Publisher: | Penguin Books |
Publication date: | February 26, 2008 |
Edition: | Reprint |
Number of pages: | 592 |
Owner Name: | Endeavor |
Owner Email: | |
Language: | English |
Price: | 0.00 |
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Description: |
Shardlake and his loyal assistant, Jack Barak, find themselves embroiled in royal intrigue when a plot against King Henry VIII is uncovered in York and a dangerous conspirator they've been charged with transporting to London is connected to the death of a local glazer.Shardlake and his loyal assistant, Jack Barak, find themselves embroiled in royal intrigue when a plot against King Henry VIII is uncovered in York and a dangerous conspirator they've been charged with transporting to London is connected to the death of a local glazer. |
Book owner: | endeavor |