Seeing a Large Cat
Title: | Seeing a Large Cat |
Categories: | Amelia Peabody Series |
BookID: | 1808 |
Authors: | Elizabeth Peters |
ISBN-10(13): | 9780446605571 |
Publisher: | Grand Central Publishing |
Publication date: | July 1, 1998 |
Number of pages: | 432 |
Owner Name: | Endeavor |
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Language: | English |
Price: | 0.00 |
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Description: |
According to an ancient Egyptian papyrus, dreaming of a large cat means good luck. And that's just what plucky archaeologist Amelia Peabody could use, as her growing family matures in the new century. When the excavation of an unknown tomb reveals a recent murder, the Peabody family must unearth an assassin who'd like to end their discoveries for good.According to an ancient Egyptian papyrus, dreaming of a large cat means good luck. And that's just what plucky archaeologist Amelia Peabody could use, as her growing family matures in the new century. When the excavation of an unknown tomb reveals a recent murder, the Peabody family must unearth an assassin who'd like to end their discoveries for good. |
Book owner: | endeavor |