Inspector Rostnikov is a series of crime fiction/mystery novels by American novelist Stuart Kaminsky. Inspector Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov is a police investigator who plies his trade in Moscow, Russia. Kaminsky began his Inspector Rostnikov series in 1981 with Rostnikov’s Corpse (also known as Death of a Dissident). The series lasted 16 novels, concluding with 2010’s A Whisper to the Living. Rostnikov, while a first-rate detective investigator, must also negotiate the politics of policing in Moscow; worries about the suspicions of his Jewish wife by superiors in Moscow and his beloved Ed McBain’s black market copies; and dreams of being a top-class weight lifter. Inspector Rostnikov is a series of crime fiction/mystery novels by American novelist Stuart Kaminsky. Inspector Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov is a police investigator who plies his trade in Moscow, Russia. Kaminsky began his Inspector Rostnikov series in 1981 with Rostnikov’s Corpse (also known as Death of a Dissident). The series lasted 16 novels, concluding with 2010’s A Whisper to the Living. Rostnikov, while a first-rate detective investigator, must also negotiate the politics of policing in Moscow; worries about the suspicions of his Jewish wife by superiors in Moscow and his beloved Ed McBain’s black market copies; and dreams of being a top-class weight lifter.
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